Hi there!
I'm Joanna - an ecological educator and the audience development expert,
a trainer and a blogger, an author of publications and articles about minimalizing carbon footprint of cultural industry. I gave over 250 lectures and workshops for cultural institutions, art fundations and representatives of local governments all over Poland. I hold double scholarship of the polish Ministry of Culture & National Heritage.
Throught out my career I worked in various art institutions, like museum, theater, filmschool and The Capital City of Warsaw Municipal Office, as PR manager, audience development specialist, volunteer and elderly programme coordinator.
I runs two blogs: "Widok na Widownię" (eng. "Audience on site") - about various aspects of building a close, bilateral relationship with the audience of cultural activities, and "Zielona Instytucja Kultury" (eng. "Green Cultural Institution") about how to become an environmentally friendly place of culture. Author of two publications on pro-ecological activities in cultural institutions: "Kultura naturze, z Syrenką w tle" (eng. "Culture and nature, with the Mermaid in the background") and "Zielona instytucja kultury" (eng. "Green cultural institution").

- 23.11.21 "The ABC's of Green Library" - lecture for Slovak librarians, Regional Library of Slovakia, for Good Books [online] (1,5h)
- 07.14.21 „Culture ans Sustainability” - Discussion with Joanna Tabaka, blogger and Artur Celiński of the Magazyn Miasta (eng. City Magazine), Genshagen Fundation
- 06.16.21 „Theater for Climate” - as an expert, online debate during OPEN AIR Theatre Festival in Wrocław (ang. Breaslau), Centre for Culture AGORA

11.06.2020 "Their creepiest object. How to use social media for promotion of heritage – trends and inspirations", international conference Archeoturism and social edia. Inspirations and development [WATCH]

_contact me
I am open to cooperation and conversation.
Please do feel free to contact me through:
e-mail: joannatabaka[at]gmail.com or
mobile 0048 692 183 314. 

_about me